Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixty-Seven)



My emotional need for poetry, epic and tragedy, fill me with hypnotic charm and dazzling life that may somehow have existed in a world closer to whom we really are… there we believe.

Tales of enchantment offer escape without drugs. Perhaps if and when people learn to take the time to appreciate folklore in every culture, especially their own, there would no longer be a need for drug abuse, aggression, hostilities, or a burning desire for escapism.

Let us all become like little children and begin again. Let us be born again – a new species.

In creation, God the Creator gave the breath of life to all living creatures. Every species of life-forms are interdependent, like a chain. In creation, there is an ascending and descending relationship. All creation, however, depends on God for continued existence.

Existence is a constant descending (first), then ascending. The rains descend and the waters rise.

We are God’s glory (Isaiah 43:7).

If history is not recorded, then history becomes shrouded in myth. We are creatures of myth. We are creatures with historical significance tied to God.

Christ is the focal point of history for humanity, and humanity is the focal point of creation. Without the material creation, God’s attributes and His nature would not have a way of being expressed and understood. God is better understood by material creation. God is better understood by the incarnation of His Only Son. God is now better understood by His Written Word and the dedicated and thoughtful study thereof. God is better understood by His indwelling Holy Spirit. God is better understood by the cross (Romans 1:20; 8:19,21; John 3:16-18,36; Romans 5:8; Ezekiel 11:19-20; Zechariah 12:10; 13:1).

The Scriptures contain many pieces and fragments of intricately woven knowledge that, when studied individually, find their proper place in the fortunes of orientated wisdom.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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