Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Sixty-One)



I find fascinating the words which contain essence, as in the essence of God, or man, or a thing. There is also the quintessence – the fifth essence. But the quintessence I find most fascinating – the hundredth essence.

Satan is a sinister codologist of the super-kind – “chief of hoaxers.” Webmaster’s Note: (Codologist: Noun. Irish informal. The art or practice of bluffing or deception.)

When we really experience falling in love, it is truly a singularity of uncommon uniqueness in the person whom the heart’s eye selected, as if by fate. The enchantment of love is somehow spellbindingly exciting and urgent so that the feeling does not find a fleeting place. There is something wonderful and perfect about, and in, love.

When we fall in love somehow a trapped, hidden knowledge comes to the surface and fills us with excitement and romantic adventure – a heart-knowledge that we didn’t know we knew, like imagination come true. We find ourselves surrounded with peace and excitement and sudden curiosity and…

It is perhaps the very pull of closeness that pushes us apart or is it the push of closeness that pulls us apart? Perhaps the pushing and pulling keeps us together and makes us one.

We all find a shut-off moment in our shut-out place, floating into our midnight dream, or our daylight garden of individuality as we strive to protect our private sense of uniqueness. The voice of mediation is mysterious.

Pain from the blows of life back up in the soul.

Black riders, pale horses, come and go.

Then white horses and chariots of fire come from Heaven’s light, followed by Heaven’s glow.

Poetry is mystical words and thoughts that carry us across the ageless boundaries of time to the silence of our own finitude as we face chasms that we cannot breach and worlds we cannot reach.

In digression, our soul seems surrounded in the shadows of tears.

It is not an easy task to live with yourself, especially living in the light of God’s Word and dealing with the weaknesses of your own flesh. This is why we are, as believers, supposed to hate this world, this flesh, this evil. Death means we shed our skin, which means we no longer live with or in sin – forever. Thank God for Romans 5:1-8.

I asked and He gave me one last breath, then took me back.

My mind is but a cabin – a log cabin, a dwelling place for memories. But, if I be insane in houseless caves, I sit by endless fires all alone.

Still waters mirror the midnight sky as I reflect on you and I. A billion stars across the great expanse. We met one night by chance or… did destiny wink from eternity.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.

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