God is a divine mathematician. God’s exhale was the mathematical formulas that created creation.
When God removes the curse on creation, the harmony of mathematics will be heard by all of creation as it flows endlessly from the Throne of The Most High.
We are atoms (indivisible), descended from Adam with the same nature –indivisible – with volition (personal choice) and justice available to all who will believe in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
There are three elements to be considered here: void, matter, and life. God filled the void with matter, then exhaled life.
God works out predestined history by election, and history is worked out by natural causes and direct intervention.
God’s essence is changeless and timeless. Jesus took the justice of God on the cross so believers could receive forgiveness and mercy. God is and should be comforting to the believer, and threatening to the unbeliever. The believer sees God as love – the unbeliever fears God (whether they admit it or not). Each views a different God, but God is one. God doesn’t change because each sees Him differently. Human viewpoint does not make God what He is.
The answers to man’s problems are not man’s, but God’s. Man attempts to justify his actions and his issues. God, the Supreme Court Justice, offers the only justification that is acceptable to Himself – His Son. God gives believers His righteousness, which saves our souls forever. How can anyone reject such an offer?
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.