I seem to hear the call of the wild in the impatient wind, and I yearn to connect with both mysteries.
Even more as I see the northern lights, I long to merge into the beauty and the wonder of the splendorous – to be immersed and filled until we become one, flashing forth to and from eternity, coming and going in the forever world of God’s glory.
It is one thing to see the beauty of light from a wooded mountaintop, and another to ride on the wings of changing flashes as they go forth and away, but coming again, forever to stay.
The abstract world is so non-human. As I seem to be approaching the light of my imaginings, I am passing from fantasies to realities. I am perhaps on my final voyage to the great realities of the mysterious spiritual fantasies of my childhood and adulthood.
Perhaps imagining is becoming reality when the places and faces and characters of my childhood are beginning to reach out.
D. L. Moody once said, “Be filled daily (with God, His Word, and the Spirit) because we are always ‘leaking.'” Living in the Spirit is walking in the Spirit and fellowshipping – it’s the intimacy and authentic relationship we have with God that is truly filling (Galatians 5:22).
Truth keeps us free; untruth becomes slavery; it is addictive.
Corrie Ten Boom said, “Jesus is all you need – you will realize this when He is all you have.”
It is not what we have done or are doing for God, it is what God has done and is doing for us, through His Son, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. And praise the Lord for that.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.