Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Fifty-One)



A loving God does not reject the unbeliever, the unbeliever rejects the love of God demonstrated on the cross when Christ died as a substitute for all humanity.

The sin nature remains active as long as we live (1 John 1:8), so God added 1 John 1:9. Throughout our lives we will continue to use our volition to commit personal sins (1 John 1:10). All of our sins have already been judged (1 John 1:7b; 1 Corinthians 11:31 KJV).

Justice is our point of contact with God, always. All blessings and discipline come from God’s justice. Divine justice blesses us with salvation and restoration to fellowship.

As believers, we must learn to keep our human feelings out of our thinking and trust God’s Word of Truth. Emotion is never a criterion in the believer’s spiritual life. How unfortunate it is when people spend their life living from emotion to emotion, drama to drama. God gave us emotions as an appreciator of life. Emotions were never meant to take the reins and run amok in our thinking and our lives.

The doctrines and truths of the Word of God stabilize the mind of the believer. It is God that works all things together for good. It is God’s Word and God’s plan and God’s integrity that will deliver you for another day of your earth-walk journey, or bring you home to His kingdom.

God is perfect righteousness and absolute justice.

The unimaginable love of God, for creation and all of humanity, gave us the gift of His Son.

The Lord imputed soul-life to you at your birth with your first inhale. He has a plan for your life. Because you are still breathing, you know He still has a plan and a purpose for your life.

The five I wills of Christ:

  1. In heaven, Jesus said, “I will go.”
  2. On earth, Jesus said, “I will go to the cross.”
  3. And “I will rise from the dead.”
  4. After the resurrection, Jesus said, “I will ascend to the Father.”
  5. And “I will come again, so that where I am, there you may be also.”


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.

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