I will always cherish the mountains of Colorado, my home. I praise God in the heights, for it is there I see His Glory and I am closer to Heaven in the high places.
I want to discover, then tell others about the wonderful land of discovery. Christ my Savior lifted me to all the high places where I dance with wisdom and learn humility. The rest of my days are more than the history I’ve lived, they are ever more. Come join me, all who discover Christ.
1 Timothy 1:15-17; 2:3-6, 4:6, Philippians 4:6,7. The household of God is the pillar and support of the truth in a world of untruth. I proclaim and teach truth, the absolute truth, the way, and eternal life in Jesus Christ my Lord.
Fame after life – what good is it? Oblivion… Is it? Where is it? Why is it? Is oblivion another word for nothing?
Life has one piece missing – an invisible earthly throne with the Lord visible on it.
Life is a path each of us must follow to the irrevocable end.
Death gives value to life, but we are released from the body, going up into glory or down in disbelief.
Sleep is our rest from the battles of life, aging, and death.
There is, perhaps, in the scar tissue of life experiences, wisdom to remove it.
I have found many mysteries in the mysteries of thought.
It is gratifying to think that after I’m gone even one of my written thoughts will dance off the page in subtle rhythm of postponed power to just one person who hears the melody of my thought.
Our thinking, more than any other factor, determines our destiny. Thinking is the thoughts that rule the world.
Time is powerless, but nothing can stop it.
If I were asked to define how freedom is preserved in one word, it would be truth. Reference John 14:6.
It is the spirit of truth that lives in me and protects me from myself.
The future is the unturned pages of history.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.