In the quest for economic security, things seem to be more valuable than family. A nicer car, a larger home seem more important than parental support of children
The Hebrew word for “family” is “mishpahah“, which implies a family consisting of father, mother, children, community/neighbors, and God, plus the extended family of relatives.
Family solidarity is the hallmark of a community and a nation in particular. So the Jewish word mishpahah is the backbone of society and stresses togetherness – it stresses relationships.
If our relationship of marriage and family and community are to not only survive but prosper, we must support each other. The survival of the local community church depends on the family. The nation is an extension of the family, the church, and the community. Those institutions are to be sanctified to God who originally established and sanctified the family community and nation – all as on sacred entity under God.
Think on this: when the problems of one person are shared with another, the problems are halved. Marriage incorporates a common destiny. Likewise when joys are shared by two people, the joy is doubled.
God’s grace plan for marriage literally provides each partner with personal support, a team for mutual sacrifice and submission to sustain each other (Ephesians 5:21).
Marriage is a high and holy calling, a trio in a sacred relationship – man, woman, God. Man and wife must carry each other down happy trails and up roads of struggle.
The American home/family must turn back to God, turn back to love and selflessness. The American family must return to the God of the Bible and once again be the stalwart it once was – an institution of meaning and purpose. Our individual family homes should be a temple unto God, each soul should be an altar, dedicated to God and each other. Family members should give and share love for each other and their neighbors.