Our sin nature covets praise of peers, approval of others, our approbation lust runs wild… until we are slaves to it.
Examples: The self-righteous person, those with an inferiority complex, and self-centered individuals.
Egotism: power lust, the need to be seen.
Bullying: internal conflict and misplaced aggressions.
If you want to eliminate trouble in one step, do this: Kill your ego. Stop feeding it. Cut the strings and become master of yourself instead of a slave to your vain ego.
The toughest battle you will ever engage in will be the battle against self.
Learn to say “No” to self. Rein in the ego. Get your head and heart into God where it belongs.
All praise, honor, and glory belong to Christ and Christ alone. Stop robbing your Savior of what’s rightly His.
Embrace humility.