
Commitment and faithfulness are moral virtues which help bind families together. The moral dimension in America has disintegrated to a serious moral disorder. Sex dominates the media, especially TV. To avoid the immoral sexual bombardment, my wife and I mainly watch sports (and even then only a few select games and teams, minus commercials because they too exploit sex), history, and educational programs. We do not watch the news because it is so biased (politically) and negative, and it is made this way on purpose.

Frankly, the news is the single most destructive force unleashed upon this nation in the last 60+ years or so. Liberalism is crumbling the walls of morality and with it the family institution and decency.

Today, concepts of morality (right and wrong) are virtually undefinable in society. Most Americans have so slowly and subtly been neutralized that their concepts of morality are not even definable. Programs merge gay and straight viewpoints into one big happy family of perversion. The concepts of right and wrong have degenerated into whatever feels right – “Just do it.” Most Americans don’t even realize that there is no moral discourse – the language of discourse doesn’t even exist.

There is a moral dimension to life. There is a lawgiver. Removing God from the equation of life has opened the floodgates of immorality, and this is exactly what our enemy wants. Americans are duped by an immoral philosophy of deception. Television, liberalism/progressivism, and revisionism are all forms of reversionism. Television, movies, and all other forms of media have subtly and sumptuously obscured morality, and it was all done by design.

Original sin is inherent in all human beings. Americans have knowingly entered another sexual revolution, akin to the original sexual revolution of the 60’s, and are even enjoying their freedom in a house of cards, slowly boiling in hotter and hotter water.

I recall when Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson (of the moral majority days), were at the forefront of the conservative movement, trying to recapture moral goodness through the presidential election process. Those opposed to conservative moral values were outspoken and resentful that the moral majority; the so-called “religious right” were imposing their values on Americans, when in reality they were trying to preserve them.

Moral absolutes are taboo in American mainstream thinking. Absolute morality is not a rigid, unforgiving mentality that takes away our freedom, quite the contrary, absolute morality preserves freedom.

Objective truths protect us from each other absolutely.

– C. S. Craig October 31, 2009

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