
Relativism: “Truth for you, not for me.” Truth is not relative, it is an absolute. The plan of satan is whitewashing God’s Word. Merchandising the gospel is whitewashing grace. Activism by believers is the attempt to reform the government and our leaders while ignoring the clear declarations of God’s Word. Jesus Christ controls history – let him control you. Stay…

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The Doctrine Of Worry

In certain parts of California, it can be a disaster of catastrophic proportion to the citrus crop if the temperature drops below 32°F. Therefore, the industry, in an effort to help reduce loss of crops, place thousands upon thousands of little pots in the citrus groves, which they light at night during freezing temperatures. These little pots are called “smudge…

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Return To The God Of Our Fathers

Constant exposure to massive infusions of untruth by the gov’t education system and the media will exhaust the spiritual resistance and strength of the American people, so that untruth becomes truth (1 Corinthians 10:12). Human viewpoint and secular humanistic philosophy prevails within college campuses. Every major secular university is a socialistic institution. American free enterprise is subtly being forsaken by…

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Humanity, Deity, Blasphemy

Humanity is anointed. Deity is Eternal God. Blasphemy is rejecting Christ. God came to rescue humanity from sin-darkness, which is separation from God. Jesus, in His humanity, is the long awaited Messiah – the Davidic Messiah of Israel. Jesus is the anointed one, sent from God, baptized for power by the Holy Spirit of God the Father, thereby uniquely empowered…

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Our Citizenship In Heaven

Our citizenship in God’s glorious kingdom is not determined by external acts of dos and don’ts; it is not what we eat or drink. We are a spiritual kingdom of believer-priests living in satan’s kingdom. Our righteousness is an ever-present possession because Christ indwells us. It is His righteousness imputed to us because of the cross where the Father was…

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Societal Stability – Marriage And Family

In the quest for economic security, things seem to be more valuable than family. A nicer car, a larger home seem more important than parental support of children The Hebrew word for “family” is “mishpahah“, which implies a family consisting of father, mother, children, community/neighbors, and God, plus the extended family of relatives. Family solidarity is the hallmark of a…

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Denying God

Humanity is created in the image of God, and lives in a reality (or world) created by God, therefore humanity is not excused, rather condemned for denying the existence of God (i.e. the existence of earth, stars, sun, moon, heavens, intelligent design, the complexity of every biological life-form, etc.), therefore, man is without excuse. The evidence for God is literally…

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Logic – Three Basic Laws

Law 1: Identity law Law 2: Non-contradiction Law 3: Excluded middle Identity – 1Truth is 2absolute – untruth is absolute. 3Neither can be the other. Therefore, non-contradiction is “neither can be the other.” So, all three are absolutes. Human Logic is based on reality – patterned after reality. “God, our Creator, gave us truth. We added untruth.” The principles of…

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The Thundering Essence Of Prophecy

Christ’s First Coming (called the “First Advent”) was rejected by the Jews, and destruction followed in 70 A.D. by Titus. Likewise, when the dispensation of the Gentiles (non-Jews) is completed, Christ will come again (called the “Second Coming”) and destroy Gentile nations. Christ, at His Second Coming will, by the Word of His mouth – a mere breath, something less…

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Textual Criticism

Formal Equivalence “Word for word” or “literal” translation of Scripture is termed the principle of formal equivalence as it develops and reveals as nearly as possible the structural usage of the original languages. It seeks to represent each word of the original text with an exact equivalent word in our modern English that most closely represents the original intent of…

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Power In The Blood?

In the Old Testament Levitical offerings, animal blood was the basis for setting up a representative analogy, or a teaching aid. Remember, in ancient times most people could not read. The animal blood in itself had no value but was used to demonstrate the future sacrifice of the innocent Lamb of God (Christ) on the cross. Therefore, whenever the blood…

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God… Is Circularity, Causality

Eternity may be considered as: Illusion; both the future and the past simultaneously present; time is a means to measure eternity as endlessness – infinity; time is a creation by God with which to allow/cause us to understand God as always eternal – a means of thinking – an intellectual concept for perception; human-mind interpretations. We cannot know something about…

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Lusts Of The Flesh

Our sin nature covets praise of peers, approval of others, our approbation lust runs wild… until we are slaves to it. Examples: The self-righteous person, those with an inferiority complex, and self-centered individuals. Egotism: power lust, the need to be seen. Bullying: internal conflict and misplaced aggressions. If you want to eliminate trouble in one step, do this: Kill your…

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Satan – The Ruler Of This World

Satan is the ruler of this world, as referenced in the Scripture verses below. Adam and Eve and indeed, by default, all of us, were the intended rulers of the world. When Adam and Eve sinned, they handed over the keys, as it were, to the world, thereby placing control and rulership in the hands of satan (Unless his name…

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