More On Afflictions

Open the Word of Truth to:

1 Thessalonians 2:10, which gives us three spiritual examples of our witness (the example we set) during afflictions: “HOLY”: spiritual — God-ward;  “JUSTLY”: socially — man-ward; and “unblamable”: personally (quoted from H. L. Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible, page 406. Tyndale House Publishers, 1981 & 1984).

Trials and especially suffering form a necessary discipline in our walk with the Lord. They prove the reality of where we are in our faith (1 Peter 1:7). They enable us to comfort others who are going through the same trial or suffering. They allow us to encourage and exhort others with first-hand knowledge (2 Corinthians 1:4).  

Our trials, sufferings and tribulations bring about character in our soul — “certain graces” produced in us by the Holy Spirit, such as patience and humility (Romans 5:3). They give us opportunity to walk intimately, tucked under God’s Wings in the warmth of the filling of the Holy Spirit. In our trials, the Spirit of the Lord gives the mature believer peace, which we call “faith-rest” (1 Peter 4:12-14).  

In sickness and suffering, the believer realizes his/her helplessness and learns to faith-rest in the Lord. This peace, this rest, somehow excels the suffering and expels the fears, so that we are totally dependent on the Lord. We need to extend these moments of grandeur into our daily lives in Christ.

The word ‘comfort’ means inner peace, but it also connotes strengthening. The afflictions and distresses of life help us to see life from Divine perspective. They give us inner courage which will be a continuing source of inspiration as we move ever forward and upward with our Lord. We actually increase and abound in love for each other and for our Savior and Lord. You are being honored to suffer with Christ. The worst that can happen is your passing and that passing will be the most glorious experience of your life and your death. We can literally grow in grace and mature to greater heights, in our afflictions.

Sufferings, afflictions, trials and tribulations give witness to God and in God’s Plan of Grace, other believers and non-believers witness the Glory of the Lord. Our witness in these situations honors the Lord — we have been selected (non meritoriously, or “without earning it”) to honor God, because our afflictions turn the eyes of others heavenward. But, they also turn eyes ‘inward,’ causing people to look at there own faith and their own life.

In closing, pray always for God’s Will in your life and in the earth as it is in heaven.

Happy Studying  In Fields of Grace.   9/22/15

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